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About 3D Ultrasound In Michigan Clinics

By Jocelyn Davidson

This non-invasive and very helpful medical procedure uses sound waves to create digital images of the internal organs. These images can be used for diagnosing different medical conditions. Although it is also used for many different purposes in medicine, this procedure is most commonly used for examining unborn babies. You will find 3D ultrasound in Michigan clinics and hospitals.

3D fetal ultrasound is non-invasive examination procedure that can be performed through vaginal canal or through abdominal wall of the pregnant women. Using data gathered this way, the computer will create three dimensional images of an unborn baby, and these detailed images will be used to determine baby's gestational age, growth development, health condition and many other things, including the sex.

Fetal ultrasound is a low risk procedure that easily provides valuable information. This examination has no known risks, although trans-vaginal exam could cause some discomfort to mother. This procedure should always be performed by trained medical personnel only. In case you have any specific medical condition, you should consult your physician about this.

No special preparation is needed. If the procedure is performed through abdominal wall, your bladder should be full, but your physician will certainly tell you this. You should simply drink a glass of water. If the procedure is performed through vaginal canal, your bladder should be empty, so you can get more accurate results. It's important to inform your physician if you take any prescribed medicaments or herbal supplements.

There are several types of ultrasounds. You can take standard, two-dimensional one, 3D and 4D ultrasounds, Doppler and some others. 3D gives three-dimensional picture of the baby. This image is processed and analyzed in computer. Using 4D equipment, the image's movements are available in a real time. In fact, both 3D and 4D equipment can give valuable info about your baby's health.

Doppler is often very useful when you want to track the movement of the blood through baby's umbilical cord, heart or the brain, or through placenta. Sometimes this procedure is needed to find out if your baby is getting enough nutrients and oxygen. Your obstetrician will decide if this specific exam is needed. Pregnant women sometimes may have different health problems that require special examinations like this one.

Cranial ultrasound is one specific diagnostic procedure. Considering the fact that these waves won't get through bones, it's possible to exam baby's brain until skull bones are still separated. These bones will grow together in approximately eighteen months after birth. The same examination can be performed on adult patients during brain surgery, because their skull is surgically opened.

Using harmless sound waves it's possible to diagnose different medical problems quickly and painlessly. All internal organs get easily examined this way, including liver, heart, blood vessels, pancreas and others. Soft tissue injuries can be both detected and treated using this equipment. This simple but highly effective exam should always be performed by trained specialist only, to avoid false results and other similar problems.

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