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Parenting Styles -Finding The Right One For You

By Asleen Saturday

There are many theories about parenting, and you can find hundreds of books that give you different options. The truth is that all parents have to find their own approach based on what they believe in and what their children respond best to. Still, there are issues that most parents have to deal with at one time or another, and it can be helpful to look at some responses that often prove effective.

There are a variety of theories on parenting styles, but most experts agree that permissive parenting can make things hard on both parents and kids. Parents who fit this description tend to have kids who run rampant and mostly do as they please. While this extreme type of permissiveness isn't all that common, we've all seen examples of it in public. You might think that kids raised this way would be care free, even if others find it irritating, but this isn't usually the case. Children who are raised without limits often end up having difficulty fitting into society, as they find out that the rest of the world isn't as indulgent as their home was.

All parents have moments when they feel like the pressure is too much to take. This may be when your child is being particularly difficult, or maybe repeating a certain behavior you've told him countless times not to engage in. At times like this, it's important that you gather yourself, take a few deep breaths and maybe leave the room for a minute or two.

A very bad mistake to make is to yell at your children as there are many other things you can do. We are all imperfect people, therefore occasionally we will slip up and yell from day to day. However, if this is something that you do all the time, it can have some unwanted consequences. If you yell too much, your kids won't even notice that you are yelling, which defeats the purpose.

You shouldn't have to feel that you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. While this isn't always possible for various reasons, ideally the two parents should be involved in child related issues, decisions and tasks. Even single parents usually have others they can reach out to, whether it's relatives, friends or even a support group. No matter how good a parent you may be, there will be times when you need advice, or a break from the daily grind. The best time to set up a support network is before you desperately need it. If you're not sure about how to handle a certain situation with your child, you should have someone you can consult. Someone else, such as another parent, may have already been through what you're going through and may be able to offer you a tip. Above all, remember that parents are human and make mistakes, so don't expect perfection from yourself. You can only be the best parent you can at any given moment. When you're a parent, it's best to balance out what books, doctors and other sources of information say with your own intuition and experience.

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