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Getting The Nursery Together During Your Pregnancy

By Jan Brightley

Getting prepared for a pregnancy is a beautiful time. Many changes will occur in your body during this miraculous time. Using the following tips on proper care while pregnant will ensure that your pregnancy goes as well as possible.

Want to wear your non-maternity pants as long as possible? Simply loop an elastic hair tie over your pants' button and through the hole, and just zip up your pants as far as possible. Maternity bands are a great way to hid the fact that you can no longer zip your pants. This helps you save on maternity apparel.

Kegel exercises should be an important part of your exercise routine while pregnant. No one will know you are doing them, and you can do them anywhere and any time. You should do 10 of these exercises, and hold for three seconds each. If you do them regularly, they will help make your pelvic floor stronger, which makes for an easier delivery. They can also help with incontinence problems.

Record what you eat in a food diary. This will help you keep track of your nutritional intake. You can also take it to go over with your doctor.

Make sure you take your pre-natal classes earlier in the pregnancy. Getting this information in a classroom setting helps you prepare no matter what issues may arise during your pregnancy. Do not be passive in the class. Take an active role and ask plenty of questions.

You should not stop exercising when you are pregnant unless your doctor instructs you to do so. This may reduce your chances of having complications, and it can make the labor process easier to recover from. This is something that should appeal to everyone!

If you expect to breastfeed, make sure you have a pumping plan in place. There are mothers who don't use breast pumps; however, having some breast milk on hand in case of emergency or at times when you cannot breast feed is very helpful. If you're able to, you can rent a pump from the hospital. They're super fast and efficient, plus they're comfortable to use.

Just because people want to serve you food, it does not mean that you have to accept their offer. Only 300 extra calories a day are actually needed. You can always say no when you need to do so.

Are you ready to pump breast milk? You do not have to pump, but it is helpful for when you are not around. Renting a hospital pump is a good idea. They are much quicker than standard breast pumps, which saves time and causes less discomfort.

To get the proper amount of sleep during your pregnancy, you need to plan your water intake around a smaller bladder capacity. Keep up your water intake before dinner, but lay off the water once you eat, and don't drink any right before you go to sleep. This way, you will reduce the number of times you need to get out of bed to empty your bladder.

When you are pregnant, the baby consumes everything you do. This makes it extremely vital that you avoid harmful substances such as tobacco, drugs and alcohol. You baby could suffer seriously if you do.

You can read online stories about birthing to find out about the experiences of other women. While those clinical books can preach the facts to you, reading about the experience is different. Also, these stories will make you feel more comfortable.

Get your recommended daily allowance of folic acid every day. Folic acid reduces the chances of neural tube birth defects, so strive to consume 600mg each day. Try to get, at least, 400 milligrams a day before your pregnancy. This will help to prepare your body.

Consider using a doula. Doulas are individuals trained to coach women through the birthing process. A doula can give you both ideas and support as you inch closer to giving birth. They can assist your partner in being the best birth coach they can, and it gives you the comfort of having someone who is very experienced in the room with you.

You should spend your pregnancy focusing on your health and educating yourself about the changes your body is going through. Using these tips can help you enjoy the experience in a relaxed manner, which can make your pregnancy better and help your baby stay healthier.

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