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Signs That Your Child Is Ready For Preschool Atlanta GA

By Olive Pate

Attending school is not a prerequisite before a child attends first grade. Because of this, a strict checklist is unavailable for every parent to know if their toddler is ready to start preschool Atlanta GA. This article will give general pointers that will ensure that your child will enjoy and make the most of early schooling.

Your child is ready if he doesn't get sick easily. A healthy immune system is a must for preschoolers because they will interact more in school and the risk of communicable diseases is more prevalent. Most importantly, he will miss a lot of lessons if he is always sick and absent from class.

You know your child is ready if he doesn't have separation anxiety. He doesn't have to be 100% independent. If you leave him at school, he will naturally fret for 15 minutes or more. You can smoothe the transition by playdates a few weeks before school starts.

If your child can agree, disagree and make requests through clear words, he is ready for school. As the parent, you will know what your child wants without even talking to him. In school, it will be harder because not all people know your child well the way you do. He must have good communication skills to be able to help others understand him.

If your child can speak clearly and has enough of an attention span to finish a task, it is a good sign too that he is ready for learning. Basic language skills enable him to readily respond to the teacher's questions. School exercises are short for children - about 3 minutes maximum--because their attention span is short. Teachers know to if he is effectively learning when he can participate and finish exercises.

If you bring you child to the nearest playground and observe that he is ecstatic about his newfound playmates, he is ready for school. In kindergarten, his lessons will be taught in a group setting. He will learn best if he knows how to socialize and participate in group exercises.

Your child is ready if he can use scissors safely on his own. Using scissors require motor skills and coordination. Motor skills are most especially needed for learning how to write, for arts and crafts, tying shoes, buttoning pants and even playing ball during break time. An above average skill will be helpful for him to learn faster and enable him to finish more as well.

These points are only signs and are not a strict checklist. If your child needs improvement in some area, do not wait until he is 100% ready. The schoolteachers will help your child advance. If you know your child is not ready, you are right. Do not force him or it will be very hard on him psychologically. If he is ready, he will exude confidence and curiosity. Grab this chance to introduce him to the wonderful world of learning in school.

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