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What To Know About Child Stutters

By Enid Hinton

Stuttering, also referred to as stammering, is a problem that many people have, including children. This is the terminology used to describe a speech disorder that causes the flow of speech to be disrupted by repetition, as well as prolongations of words, phrases, syllables or sounds. There might also be blocks or pauses where the stutterer is unable to produce any sound. If a child stutters, his or her parent or guardian are urged to consider the many options available for treating or managing this problem.

There are certain obvious signs of this disorder. Usually these can be observed by anyone, even those who are not trained in speech pathology. People with stammering problems often have blocks of silence in their communication, as well as prolongation of sounds, and repeating of words, sounds and syllables. These are not issues that are frequently observed in those who do not have stuttering issues, as there is more fluency to their speech. The severity of a stutter will differ by individual and may also change within a person based on many factors.

Stammering is known to have negative impact on people, particularly kids. Children are often teased if they stutter. People with this type of disorder often have feelings of shame, embarrassment, fear, anger, frustration and even guilt. These feelings can lead to a negative self-image and avoidance of social interactions.

No single cause is linked to developmental stuttering. In fact, there are numerous hypotheses and theories that suggest multiple factors that contribute to the problem. There is a lot of evidence that supports it being related to genetics. Although many who stammer have no family history of the speech disorder. Ultimately, each situation is different.

Prior to utilizing any treatment solutions, people are encouraged to get a professional assessment. Some stuttering issues are not easy to detect. It is best to have trained and skilled speech-language pathologists do the diagnosis, as these professionals are certified in this field. There is no complete cure for this disorder, although plenty of solutions can provide patients with better control over their problem.

Most of the treatments offered are focused on learning techniques to minimize the stammering through regulation of breath, gradual progression from single syllables to longer words on into complex sentences, and speed reduction. Some therapies center on reducing anxiety that is often brought on by this speech problem and makes it worse.

Speech language pathologists are great professional resources for support. They can help teach clients who stutter how to monitor and control the rate in which they talk. Those who learn to speak words slower and with less physical tension may be able to improve upon their stammering issue. They might also be taught new ways of breathing, including how to monitor and control it. Other potential treatment options for this condition: fluency shaping or modification therapies, medications, electronic fluency device, support, and diaphragmatic breathing.

Each person is different and may require his or her own unique approach to care. It can take time before results can be seen. Patients should stay optimistic and continue following instructions given for their treatment method. People who do not have any control over their stammering are more likely to face obstacles throughout their life as a result of this. Adults should ensure that children with this problem are properly diagnosed and treated.

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