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Networking To Find Autism Advocate Bay Area

By Enid Hinton

Becoming a new parent is typically one of the most life changing events most people ever experience. There really is nothing to prepare someone for the over whelming sense of responsibility they will feel. Having the care of a helpless infant in their hands is a very profound experience. Yet for some parents the changes are far more intense. When a baby or young child is diagnosed with a disability the responsibilities are even more intense.

Parents must realize that they are their child's voice. Finding a good autism advocate Bay area will make all the difference in their lives. Connecting with families who have already been through this challenging situation will prove invaluable. After all there is no need to reinvent the wheel, whatever they are looking for someone else will already have found it and be able to help.

The majority of children are diagnosed around the age of two. This is a key developmental area. Most children are talking in sentences and enjoy interacting with others. Two key areas that give rise to concern are a significant delay in spoken language skills and a lack of interest in socializing. In addition strong reactions to sensory stimulation such as sound or light are also indicators of a problem.

The parents will meet with local services and education authorities to put together an individualized plan. This is where an experienced advocate is so important. They will totally understand how to get the best services and really give the child the best possible chance. Studies have proved that the more help a child receives in their first few years, the better their overall prognosis for the future.

One of the first steps the parents should take is to contact their local parent support group. These groups exist in just about every part of the country, living in a highly populated place such as the Bay area does have its advantages. There will be no shortage of other families in their immediate neighborhood who have already gone through exactly what they are going through and can offer heartfelt understanding.

Many autistic children find typical social situations far too over whelming. The noise, lights and chaos of a local play group can be enough to trigger a complete melt down. With this in mind there are many specially designed play groups just for special needs youngsters. They are run by experienced professionals and planned to meet their unique needs. For example, the number of children attending will be very few, maybe only two or three at a time to provide an opportunity to meet in more relaxed conditions.

Advocates are especially valuable when a child enters the school system. The special education laws exist to support children and their families, yet there are often struggles and issues to be resolved.

Help should be provided on an individualized basis for each child. Having an experienced advocate attend all meetings with the school can be the single most effective factor in securing the best placement. They know which questions to ask and most importantly how the system works.

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