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Proven Tricks On How To Deal With Bullying

By Claudine Hodges

Every individual have different attitudes and it is our duty to respect those differences. This might be a simple rule to follow, but most of us failed to do this. There are individuals that are too rude to their new acquaintances.

Due to this environmental difference, there are some individuals that are just too rude to anything. They are hateful to everything they encounter and they will do their best to destroy it. This is where bullying comes into play. How to deal with bullying is a complex task to understand. However, we will try to give you some fundamental points that might help, so read further.

The first thing that you should do when you are bullied is to show no reaction. This might sound difficult, especially if you are already bombarded with a lot of verbal attacks. This might take some time to master, but it is a great weapon for you to learn. Bullies are constantly looking for attention and if they cannot get it from you, then they should probably look for someone else.

Even though they are throwing tons of things to you, just be calm and walk like you are not downgraded. In fact, you know what is the truth, so just stick to what you already know. If you act like a frail, there is a possibility that you will be bullied even more. That is the main reason, why should be very passive and walk like nothing happens.

If possible, you should always avoid them. However, you should not be very obvious about this. If you avoid them in an incorrect way, then there is a chance that they will think that you are a weakling. Create your own escape mechanism and always remember that it should not be too obvious. By practicing, this should be easy.

Mostly, bullies are dull. They do not have the mind to think straight. One good trick is to outsmart them. If they are trying to bombard you with facts that they think is good enough, then try to give them the right fact instead. You can scream it to the top of your lungs to ensure that they feel downgraded. This is more effective if you do this in front of so many people.

If they constantly hurt you physically and you think you cannot defend yourself in anyway possible, then try to ask your parents and start learning martial arts. You can get a lot of moves there that can give you an idea on how to defend yourself. With that knowledge, you should be able to defend yourself quite easily.

Bullying back is not always beneficial. You might feel that you are taking the revenge that you are longing for, but if you do that, you are just the same as some other bullies out there. You already know the feeling, so just prevent that to happen again to anyone.

We hope that this might help you in any way possible. If you have some friends that is undergoing this type of problem, then let them know about this.

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