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Simple Ways To Practice Positive Parenting

By Maya Ricks

In positive parenting, positive behavior is the focus, not negative behavior. Positive parenting doesn't suggest that you become an overly permissive parent. All children need certain boundaries, both for their own safety and to teach them what is and isn't acceptable. You'll have more success steering your children toward the right direction if you put more emphasis on positive behavior. So if you'd like to try positive parenting, we'll share with you some basic principles.

One of the first things you need to do to be a positive parent is to make sure that you're setting a good example for your kids. You can't really expect your children to behave a certain way if you aren't behaving the same way. So if you don't want your children to use swear words, make sure they don't hear you using those words yourself.

As much as possible, you want to be consistent when it comes to the rules and boundaries you set for your children. As your children get older, you'll need to change some rules of course. There are times flexibility is needed and you need to adjust your approach on certain things. Overall, however, it's important that you be consistent when it comes to the rules you want your children to abide by.

It's also important that the adults in a child's life are all on the same page when it comes to rules. If both of you give the wrong signals, your children will only become confused. If other adults, such as babysitters or relatives are involved in the child's life, make sure you make it clear what rules and values you are enforcing so there is consistency. One way to practice positive parenting is to encourage your child's natural curiosity and interest in learning. You can find education toys that your children will love playing. Be alert for any natural talents or interests your child has, such as in art or any type of learning. Take your child to educational places (e.g., zoos, cultural destinations, museums) to encourage his or her interests. The TV and the computer can be used for learning as well. If you're allowing your children to use the computer, you can have them play educational games.

Positive parenting isn't always a bed of roses, and from time to time you're going to goof up because there's no such thing a a perfect parent. Being a good parent to your child doesn't exclusively mean that your child doesn't have any problems or that you've got infinite patience. It does mean that you take an active interest in your child's life and activities. Keep in mind the positive parenting tips we mentioned and apply them, as they can help you be a better parent to your child.

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