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Problems Facing Teenagers Today In The Modern World

By Jocelyn Davidson

The challenges that are faced by the teens are many and even are life threatening. The influence and impact of the threats they face are largely resultant on the place they live or the environments that they expose themselves to on a regular day basis. A parent championed approach is usually the best way to apply preventive measures on the numerous problems facing teenagers today.

The harm that teenagers face is usually more behavioral and if well addressed it can be prevented. The examples we can see as being the most distressing are homicide and suicide. It is unfortunate that a significant proportion of them are firearm related. Some are usually arising out of depression as well as other mental complications. In fact the use of firearms provides the leading contribution to teen death.

The challenge experienced in families is maintaining the bonds while still accommodating their busy career obligations. The lack of connection between the teenager and the parent can largely be attributed to the large rift in generational gap experienced. This could result in them feeling insignificant and stress kicking in.

Indulgence in activities such as drinking, smoking or playing more of computer games. The harmful dimension of this will be when they eventually become addicted to these non-productive methods that will preoccupy their time. These new habits can result in a deterioration in their health.

Drugs were once revered as being dangerous and highly destructive to ones physical and mental health. Nowadays celebrities flaunt with the drugs openly on mass media. They are available in almost all parties and bashes held and are viewed as cool.

Obesity has become a major problem of the century. This results from an excessive intake of calories accompanied by little or no activity on the part of the individuals. Previously grown up affiliated diseases such as diabetes are ever increasing in the rate of infections in young teens. This results in them being susceptible to heart related diseases and cancer later on in life.

A lot of stereotyping in the mass media of the type of people who can be successful in society brings about frustrations to those who feature in neither of the categories. Lack of a parental figure is usually one of the major contributions to teenage depression especially where they feel downtrodden and unappreciated. They usually get the perception that the best way to get the world attention is to take their own life.

Teenagers are also susceptible to drunken driving. This can even occur while they are under influence of drugs. This might not only be on the part of the teen, as they might be exposed to the risk of reckless adult drivers. This are very serious situations and many young ones are at a potential risk of this.

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