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Helpful Tips For Effective Parenting

By Marlyn Parker

Being a parent can be a very confusing job, especially if you are not sure of what parenting strategies will work best to raise your kids. For instance, should you be more authoritarian or should you be more relaxed? The following will help you decide which strategy you would like to use as you parent your children. Many experts will tell you that the most effective style of parenting is authoritative parenting, which is different from authoritarian. Whereas the authoritarian parent expects children to obey unquestioningly, the authoritative parent sets clear rules, but at the same time allows children to ask questions and have some say in important matters. The authoritative parent seeks to be neither overly lenient or overly harsh. Parents who are authoritarian may end up with kids who have trouble making their own decisions, while very permissive parents often turn out kids who lack the necessary structure it takes to make them feel secure. There's nothing wrong with giving your kids freedom, but it has to be tempered with a recognition that they're still kids and need some limits.

Each child has the possibility and probability of reaching great heights in life, but this is stymied when parents ignore their kids or neglect them altogether. Getting to wrapped up in your own life, and ignoring the lives of your children, can be detrimental to them so you need to find a way to make their life interact with yours. A parent that shows up and does stuff with their kids, even if they don't know what they are doing, is someone that cares and wants their children to succeed.

The reason you need to do this is that if you respond in an angry way, it is not going to help the predicament. Even if it's a situation where the child needs to be disciplined, it's best to do this in a rational state of mind rather than when you're out of control.

One horrible mistake that many parents make is trying to raise their kids the same way that their parents raised them. It is simply a giant mistake to implement any parenting techniques that your parents used, usually because they didn't work and you resented them for it. Many of us had parents that were unable to make good decisions in their attempts to parent us. Our intention should be to improve upon what our parents did with us to make our children much happier. If you're parents were horrible at discipline, you should do your best to not repeat the mistakes that they made.

Rather than yelling at him to stop doing that, you could frame it in such a way that he has choices, such as playing with a toy or eating a snack. This way, you're taking control of the situation by making it clear he has to change his behavior, but you're also giving him some alternatives to choose between. While there's no simple rule to govern all situations you face as a parent, it's good to have some guiding principles. Whatever has happened in the past is beyond changing, so you can only look towards the future. It can be useful to study various theories about parenting, but finally you have to make up your own mind about what's best.

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