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A Few Basic Parenting Tips For Raising Teenagers

By Jocelyn Davidson

Parents from every culture, creed, country or circumstance will agree on one thing. Their teens sometimes drive them crazy. When children reach that age where they question everything and where their emotions and hormones are playing hop scotch they often do not know how to interact with the world around them. By following these few parenting tips for raising teenagers parents may smooth the path a little bit.

Even if it does not always look like it, teens react positively to parental love. If they know that they are loved unconditionally and that they will always be treasured as part of the family they will be able to deal with their own turmoil in a more balanced manner. Parents should reaffirm their love for their teen regularly, particularly when they behave poorly.

Unconditional love does not imply that the parents must blindly accept destructive behavior. The teen must understand that every member of the household has equal rights. It is therefore advisable to gently but firmly establish a set of rules. Every effort should be made to involve all the members of the family in this conference and to achieve consensus on the proposed code of conduct.

Teens are under tremendous peer pressure and they start to experiment with alcohol, tobacco, clothes that seem strange to their parents, body piercing and tattoos, to name just a few. Even when horrified, parents should refrain from outright condemnation and direct conflict. It is better to provide information impassively, to discuss the consequences of dubious decisions and to convince the teen to delay a final decision for an agreed period.

Most teens scorn well meant advice from their parents, claiming that they already know everything there is to know about the internet, sex and the dangers of drugs, for example. This is very often nothing but a front and many teens rely on their peers for information on such matters. Parents should try to provide their teens with objective information on sensitive subjects. They may not say so, but they will appreciate it.

It is unfortunate that so many parents try to provide guidance to their teens only to fail miserably because they do not set a positive example themselves. Parents should do everything within their power to act in such a way that their teens will be proud of them. They need to demonstrate that a balanced live does not mean a live without fun. When parents make mistakes, as they will, they need to acknowledge them.

Teens generally respond well when they are respected and trusted. It is therefore a good idea to make it clear to the teen that his opinions are valued and welcomed. When family decisions are made, it is important to specifically ask the teen what his opinion is and to then take his opinion seriously. It may also be a good idea to tell the teen that he has reached an age where he can be trusted with increased responsibilities.

The teenage years are difficult for everyone involved. Teens can be unreasonable and demanding. However, if parents strive to understand the turmoil experienced by their teen and if they react with love and understanding, the teen will most likely sail through puberty unscathed.

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