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What You Can Do To Revolutionize Your Child's Life

By Saleem Rana

Peggy Caruso, an author, personal development coach, and entrepreneur, talked about her new book Revolutionize your Child's Life when she was interviewed by Lon Woodbury on Parent Choices for Struggling Teens hosted on L.A. Talk Radio.

Lon Woodbury has been working with families and at-risk teens since 1984. He is an independent educational consultant. He has also authored numerous books on parenting topics, as well as published Woodbury Reports and founded Struggling Teens, Inc.

About Peggy Caruso

Peggy Caruso is a certified executive and personal development coach, an NLP master practitioner and an advanced hypnotherapist. She has also been an entrepreneur for twenty-two years. As a parenting coach, she teaches parents how to communicate better with their children. On August 4th of this year, she released her latest book, Revolutionize your Child's Life.

What Does It Take To How to Revolutionize Your Child's Life

Caruso said that things have changed for parents. It was no longer possible to apply the same parenting philosophy that someone grew up with. Children were different now. They were, for example, much more cynical and doubtful. One test she does when kids come to her office is point out a bottle of water that is half-filled with water. When asked about it, almost all the children, except one, considered it half-empty.

Peggy described the three developmental stages children go through as they mature into adults. In the first stage, the imprint period, children from birth up to seven years of age absorb everything around them like sponges. In the second stage, the modeling period, children from seven to fourteen years of age imitate the behavior of those around them. Finally, in the third stage, the socialization period, children fourteen to twenty-one years of age focus on discovering their own unique identities.

Parents had their best chance of making a positive impression on their children during each of these three stages. Each stage offered a critical development opportunity. It was important for parents to play an active role in their children's development because if left to their own devices, children would absorb the negative attitudes of their peers and the world around them. Negative thinking results in a negative life.

Peggy's book Revolutionize Your Child's Life discusses how parents can intervene at each stage of their child's development to counter the negative social conditioning children are exposed to on a regular basis.

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