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Bullying -How Parents Can Prevent It From Happening

By Michael Saturday

Skilled and learned specialists are now conscious of the intense influence that bullying has on a child. Bullying has some very dismal consequences on some young people; they are literally unable to live with it. Bullying was somewhat localized before, we now have to consider the computer as a new arena for them to hassle their prey. Fortunately, there are ways for parents to help their kids avoid becoming bullying victims, and we'll be looking at some of these in this article.

cyber-bullying, a type of bullying that can happen on the web, is very recent in our modern culture. Earlier generations may have had problems with bullies, but at least when they got home they could feel safe. These bullies often lurk in chat rooms, and may even send e-mail to your children once they know what their address is. This type of bullying is just as damaging, so do not underestimate its power. Online bullying is just as painful, and probably more damaging, then physical bullying can be. A simple solution is to control your child's Internet time and also watch where they go when they surf. Make sure they know how to block anyone who's bothering them on social media sites such as Facebook. Social networks are notorious for this kind of activity, however, once you report what is going on to the social media site, the bullying should stop.

Kids that have been bullied, at school, or elsewhere, are usually not motivated to tell their adults what has happened. Most of the time, kids do not want to be labeled as a coward or tattletale for telling about the incident. Kids should be able to tell about the bullying that they have experience, something that parents should teach their kids to do.

To avoid getting bullied, act confident in the way you interact. People that are confronted by bullies that are much larger can often scare them off by acting self-assured, changing their stance, and using their words. Don't encourage your child to fight, but you can teach him or her to be assertive and say something like, "Leave me alone!" in a loud voice. Even speaking loudly can be helpful, because it demonstrates assertiveness and may get the attention of an adult nearby. Once you have taught your child or children to be confident in such a confrontation, they will quickly see that the bullies will turn tail and leave because of acting this way.

Kids are not always so forthcoming when it comes to discussing bullying with their parents. They may possibly feel ashamed, or the bully could have told them to not say anything. This is why you need to keep an eye out that something is wrong by looking for warning signs. There may be another reason behind your child wanting to miss school if they say they have an illness, like a headache or stomachache as they're hard to check for. Should you ask your child about their day at school then they'll probably be more likely to open up to you if there is an issue. However, you cannot expect them to open up without prompting them.

Verbal abuse comes in many forms including making fun of children because of handicaps that they may have or a physical appearance that does not fall into a "normal" category. If this is happening to your child, make sure you talk about it with someone at school. All parents should become more aware of the different types of bullying and abuse that your child can experience. Tolerating the widespread problem of bullying when it's happening to your child shouldn't happen. As research shows, bullying can have far reaching effects on a child's life that extend into adulthood. Taking the right measures must be done if you see any signs that your child is a bully, or is the victim of bullying.

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